Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chillin' with my Peep!

i’ve had the privilege to meet a peep ... a marshmellow pink chick peep!

my first encounter with the peep i was rather curious. what was it? did i want to approach it? it just sat there and did not move. it gazed at me with those brown eyes.


i looked at mommy with a puzzled look and said "mommy, what is this thing? does it want to play with me?"

maybe if i bark at it ... yeah that will get it’s attention!
nope, that didn’t do anything ... still won’t move.

maybe if i nudge it ... i’ll just touch it a little bit ...

that’s it! i’m gonna sniff it! oooooooo, smells good! i’ll just give it a little lick ...

oops! i got carried away with that lick! it’s pretty good!

this was where i ran away with the peep and but mommy caught me. i got to have the head but that was it. i hope another peep comes along real soon!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Jada!
Looks like you had a good time investigating that marshmallow! If I were you I'd had eaten it in 2 seconds!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

We're very impressed that it took you that long to eat it!
Happy Easter, Jada!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch


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